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A Dull Afternoon - Realm of Magyca, book 1 of the Eternal Path series

An endless summer break stretches before you, yet you are crazed with boredom. As your shrill alarm clock rings, abruptly jarring your from your restless sleep, you merely puch the stopper and cower under the smothering blankets. Ten seconds later, your irratable mother wrenches you out of your comforting bed and demands, "Why are you still in bed!!! Get out and embrace the day!!!"

Grudgingly, you comply, grumbling all the while. When you have seated yourself at the breakfast table, your father casts a disapproving look at you. "When I was your age," he remarked, "I would eagerly jump out of bed early to go on adventures at 6 am!"

"And when was that?" you snap. "A century ago?" Your parents and little sister, Sophia, a 9-year-old brat, all give you an alien stare, as if you are an outsider to the Commeron household.

After moping for half an hour since you have finished breakfast, you approach your mother for suggestions on what to do. You trail persistently after her as she does the laundry until she can't stand you another second.

"Get out of here!!!" she screeches while you cringe. Taking large gulps of air, she chokes out, "Go on a picnic, hike in the woods, or visit your Aunt Shyanne. Just - leave!!!" She shoves you towards the front door and continues drying laundry.

So what's your plan for today?

A picnic
A hike
Visit your Aunt