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In my never ending journey to make Jim an internet meme, I made these things.

This is all I've got.

I felt like this belonged here.

Did you know we went to Comic-Con? In New York? This year? I'm sure you didn't. Well now you know. And know you can see what happened. Watch it right here. Right now.

We made a rap video, because if you are going to make stupid internet videos, you have to have some kind of rap video. The worse the better. You can watch it right here.

That's right, the new short is up and running. We made a flash banner to promote it and everything! Click here to check it out! Or you know, you can just watch it below. And be sure to click here for an even better version of the banner below. Just make sure you watch the whole entire thing, becasue the end is crazy!

They're kind of like beer goggles, except really stupid and I hate them. Click the binocktails link to find out more!

Okay, look. Nothing worthwhile happened in May. Nor did anything happen during the first half of June. The new iPhone was announced though, so that was kind of interesting. Click here to find out why.

Are we a political commentary site now? I find it unlikely that we will ever be witty or informed enough to tackle any real issues, but we can certainly give the smaller obvious ones our best shot. Click to the writings section to check it out!

Tsukasa tells tales from the front-lines of the eternal battles that are the food and beverage industry. Head on over to writings to check it out!

I know our updates are sparse, and often pointless, but this is the crowning achievement of pointless updates. There now exists a donate button on this page. I am fully aware that it will never be used, but if a crazy person who wants to get rid of his money stumbles upon our site, he now has an outlet.

New essay. I'm not going to describe what it's about though. You're just going to have to click the link and hope for the best.

Have you been wondering "what the hell is this 'random whatnots' website?! and where is my TV?! It was here last night..." Well the latest video short might just help clear some things up... or it might not. Check it out in here.

A shiny new 2010 section was added to videos with the newest three parter JOAQUIN THE RIPPER. Do take a gander.

Remember that one guy? Who was funny becasue he was fat and was on that sketch comedy show? James does. And he's not going to forget.

First posting of 2010 is a about a movie from 2009. We are certainly a timely group of folks. G.I. Joe deserves all of its praise.

Basking in our undoubtedly short lived internet fame. We're basically the Chocolate Rain of Zelda weddings.

Joel spreads his anti-creationism propaganda all over your metaphorical bagel. Eat it up folks. It's delicious.

Most people crack under the pressure when talking to god, and just end up proclaiming how big a fan they are. They forget to say all the important things they had been rehearsing all day. Not Allen.

If you hate salesmen, but are undecided about your feelings toward vitamins, this won't change your mind. Read about my short lived career as a vitamin salesman here.

New rWP short WATCH YOUR BACK is up in the 2009 section under videos. Check it.

Perhaps the only article defending Kanye West and his outspoken absurdity available on the internet has been posted. Read it here.

Every video, past and present, has been added to the site. Unfortunately I couldn't post the one's from the future, but that's just because they haven't been made yet.

rWP Info section updated.

We're getting closer.

rWP Info | Contact/Links | �randomWHATNOTS Productions 2009 - 2010
A website by Tristan Hilliard