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ECPA's annual C-Suite Symposium presents the only opportunity within Christian publishing where C-level executives—from large to small houses—can engage at a meaningful level with expert information and trends relevant to their unique roles in leading the industry. Depending upon the organization, the chief architect may oversee and coordinate the efforts of other technology-specific architects, including the chief security architect, the chief data architect, the chief mobile architect and the chief cloud architect.

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Michael Sears, a former CFO of Boeing jailed for four months at the end of last week for illegally offering a job to an air-force purchasing officer, talked more like a would-be CEO than a CFO, which was not surprising as he had no financial experience and saw the job as a mere springboard to the top.

Using a relevant contact database like ours, sales executives and marketers of any company can seamlessly engage with their audience, create brand C Level Executives Email List  awareness, promote or market products and most importantly beat the inbox crowd to reach the top in an ever-growing competitive landscape.

Our C-level Executives Mailing Lists With Guaranteed Benefits Our C-level Executive Mailing lists have been put together by collecting data from CEO the most reliable sources such as: • Trade shows • Business Cards • Business Journals • Magazines • Annual reports • Government records etc.

The BlueSteps Career Management Blog is written with a C-level audience in mind on career management topics ranging from executive compensation, executive resumes, and interview tips to networking, executive job search, and gaining visibility as a professional in one's industry.

As the initiatives are broken into programs, projects and, finally, tasks and line managers see the impact of the additional workload, their response frequently is, You want me to do what—by when?!” Portfolio managers are concerned with the program and project portfolio; as contrasted to the CEO, the chief strategy officer and the strategic portfolio manager positions that all take a more holistic view of the entire enterprise which includes ongoing operations.

For small organizations or those that are still in the startup or growth phases, for example, the CEO may also be serving as the CFO and the chief operating officer (COO), and so on. This can lead to a lack of clarity, not to mention an overworked executive.