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Friendly service for a reasonable fee. We'll sell your item on eBay and get the best possible price for it. Our fee is a flat 12% plus Paypal fees. We'll cover the rest. We are an eBay Power Seller with 5 star ratings in all categories. Why pawn your item or settle for less when you can get top dollar on eBay with a professionally posted ad containing 12 pictures and a great description with all the bells and whistles. You have the choice of listing an auction style ad or a "Buy It Now" fixed price ad. Auctions last for one week. Fixed price ads last until the item sells. You also have the option of taking a "Best Offer". We'll sell anything allowed for sale on eBay. We will never sell prohibited items, to include knockoffs.

Here's how it works:

  • e-Mail us at or call us at 719-200-4236
  • Bring your item(s) to us
  •  Have a reserve price in mind, We will research your item and recommend a price to expedite a quick sale. We'll get the best price for you.
  • Sign an agreement (Short Contract). You will receive a receipt for your item because we will maintain possession until it sells.
  • We'll take high quality digital photographs of your item and create a professional eBay listing with an accurate detailed description.  We will package and ship the item to the buyer.  Nothing for you to worry about.
  • When your item is listed, we'll send you a link to the sale page for your item. You will know the status of your item at any given time.
  • You get paid within 2 days of the sale date via Paypal, business check or (best of all) cash.

e-Mail us with any questions. You have our best price guarantee. We look forward to hearing from and meeting you.  We always value and appreciate your business.