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Cell phone radiation protection

The situation: Most working mothers use technology to facilitate daily communication. Kids have mobile devices at younger ages.

Over 250 million Americans talk on his or her cell phones daily. It really is something we skip over. We presume that they are safe or they wouldn't be so widely sold.

Let us take a deeper understand this presumption.

Cell phone radiation protection

When you use your mobile phone or cordless phone, you're using an instrument that emits low levels of radio-frequency radiation. These emissions are actually long the subject of heated debates in science and health communities.

Last year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), health advocate, published research linking long-term or frequent cellphone use to increased rates of miscarriage, nausea, chronic fatigue, forgetfulness, migraines, behavior problems in youngsters and brain tumors.

This parade of horribles is scary. How worried we shouldn't let be about our kids?

The product industry and the authorities counters that mobile phones are safe and that research fails to show a connection between radio-exposure from cell usage and health issues.

Many researchers opine how the studies are 'inconclusive' because cellular phones have not been in use of sufficient length to make a determination that stacks up to scientific standards.

Remember the tobacco industry? We couldn't know the dangers of nicotine until too far gone.

Electronics that emit radio frequency are everywhere: cordless phones, microwaves, computers, plus much more.

The Facts: Specific Absorption Rate or SAR, will be the ruler for measuring the amount of radio frequency absorbed with the body. To pass FCC standards and be eligible for sale in the U.S. and Canada, SAR levels cannot exceed 1.6 watts per kilogram. The European standard is higher: 2 watts per kilogram.

That this European standard is a lot more relaxed is curious. A French study figured children, whose skulls are thinner, absorb radiation at a rate two times that of adults.

The EPA recommended the EMFs be classified as Class B carcinogens last 1990. Class B includes DDT and PCBs.

Lobbyists in the computer and utility industries protested vigorously and, as a result, EMFs are still unclassified.

Current Solutions: This is what some experts suggest:

 Use a speakerphone anytime you can instead of placing the product receiver next to your ear.

 Do not have access to an active cell phone near bedside overnight.

 Bluetooth headsets and also other headsets are not complete solutions: radio frequencies follow wires to ears.

 Texting is preferable to calling.


Know SAR ratings of your phone before purchasing. By way of example, the Apple iPhone 4 (16 GB) is rated 1.17 whereas the Iphone 3GS (16GB) is.79.

 There are various ant-EMF products available. None have FTC or World Health Organization (WHO) approval. Most effective one is a reusable sticker which is placed over the phone's battery or antenna and claims to reduce about 70% of emissions.

Given present concerns about mobile phone radiation, parental caution is acceptable.