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A Queue Management System Reduces Customer Dissatisfaction


If you ever had to stand in a queue for a long time waiting to be served, you know how frustrating and disappointing it can be. Growing population and limited facilities have led to a situation where long queues of people demanding services and products has become a common scene in colleges, hospitals, airports, railway stations, banks, theme parks and even retail businesses. Large queues have been found to be responsible for creating dissatisfied customers especially when they feel that they are being made to wait for long and unjustified time periods. If you are the owner of a business where you face angry and frustrated customers waiting for their turn, it is high time you started to make use of a queue management system.



Structured and unstructured queues


There are places where the queue can be structured such as in checkouts of supermarkets, banks, hospitals etc. However, there are places like bank ATM’s where customers make a queue in a random fashion and the queue is largely unstructured. In both these situations, it is possible to manage a large number of people waiting to be served in an organized and more efficient manner with the help of a queue management system.



Physical barriers and electronic display systems


There are many ways to manage a large number of people standing in a queue so that they do not feel agitated and frustrated. Physical barriers have long been used to make people stand in an organized queue for a long time. Electronic signaling system and distribution of tokens is another way of allowing people to quietly wait for their turn by making a large waiting area with good seating system.


Queue management system minimizes queues


You go to a theme park along with your kids expecting to have lots of fun and frolic but your mood turns foul when you see long queues of people waiting to get tickets for different rides and other facilities. If there is a queue management system in place so that you can indulge in other activities or wait in a relaxed manner till your turn comes, it becomes a pleasing experience for you.



Allows people to share resources in a civilized manner


It is a fact of life that there are limited numbers of specialists available for consultation when you have a medical emergency or suffering from a disease. With the number of people aspiring to share these resource being very high, it becomes necessary to have a queue management system in place so that people are not made to wait for a long and unjustified period of time. A queue management solution allows people to share the resources in a civilized and fair manner. It makes a large number of people to derive benefits from limited resources in a dignified manner.



If you are the owner of a business with branches in different locations where it is not possible for you to oversee the operations of service yourself, employing a queue management system gives you peace of mind and a satisfaction that your customers are being served in a fair manner. It also makes sure that your customers are made to feel at home even when they are waiting for their turn to be served. Once you have a queue management solution in place, you are in control of the customer experience. Your customers learn the way in which your team of employees will handle them by turns.


A good queue management system comes with mobile and cloud capabilities. It manages and minimizes long queues to reduce customer dissatisfaction while at the same time improves the efficiency of your organization and increases your sales.