Hi,  this is a blogger's page. 

Salut, asta e o pagina de blog.


The blogger has seen different places of the world and intentionally put the self into position to observe from a very intimate space the different beliefs and life styles in a continuous attempt of grasping the origin of truth in life, become complete and live a complete life. 

Bloggerul a vazut diferite colturi ale lumii si in mod intentionat s-a pus in situatia sa observe de foarte aproape diferitele culturi si stiluri de viata intr-o continua dorinta de a intelege originea adevarului in viata si de a deveni complet pentru a duce o viata completa. 


OK so it seems for having 0 tensions there are few main aspects 1 is supposed to pay attention to in life -  say  2, 3 , 4  areas from which one can even go into the expansion of 16, 36, 42... 108 or more disciplines in life. 

 Here I was gonna take 3 aspects to make it easier for practice, but since 4 is said to be a complete number let us just take four subjects for a simple yet complete life. 

Ok, se pare ca pentru a avea 0 tensiuni 1 om trebuie sa fie atent la cateva lucruri in viata - sa zicem 2, 3 sau 4 aspecte principlae si daca se doreste se poate intra in detaliu la 16, 36, 42 .....108 sau chiar mai multe discipline.  

So basically first it is just "I" as in "I AM". Then the "I" has 2 main sides: physical and non physical. In between there is a 3rd one - the subtle which is not as physical as to be seen directly, but not as non physical as to be forever same. To take care of all the 3 sides of "I" (the physical, subtle and non physical) we can take 4 areas to pay attention to in life: Body, Mind, Wealth and Personality. So I am planning to feed this blog with regular tips for the four areas and create a sort of bank of easily accessible and practical  tips from a wide range of sources for the aim of a complete life. 

Asadar, primul aspect este "Eu" adica "Eu Sunt". Acest "Eu" are 2 aspecte principale: cel fizic si cel non fizic. Intre acestea doua exista un al 3-lea - cel subtil care nu este atat de fizic pentru a se putea vedea direct, dar nici atat de non fizic pentru a fi mereu neschimbat. Pentru a avea grija de toate cele 3 aspecte ale lui "Eu" (cel fizic, subtil si non fizic) putem sa luam 4 directii de dezvoltare in viata: Corp, Minte, Achizitii, Caracter. 

Ma gandesc sa postez aici fregvent cate ceva despre cele 4 domenii, astfel creindu-se un fel de banca de ''consultanta'' usor accesibila cu sfaturi practice provenind dintr-o gama larga de surse in scopul unei vieti complete. 

And hey, I am still studying these subjects myself. 

Si oameni buni, eu insami inca studiez aceste subiecte. 

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