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Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Tit bits to attract girls quickly
Now Playing: Tit bits to attract girls quickly

A pick up artist is the one who just excels with women. If you look around then you would find there are so many boys around there who just remain surrounded  with the girls while on the other hand there are boys who just can’t even get started with the girls. The fact is that there is nothing special with those guys the only difference is the lack of  few attributes that women often look into a boy before getting them into some relation. And if you are able to learn those few technique you could be the next pick up artist in your college.


The first thing is the confidence. If you have the confidence you can do anything. This is the thing you might have been told several times in your class. That’s perfectly right. If you have the confidence you can seduce any girl. The girls love the guys who have in them the confidence. If you like some girl just gain confidence and approach her and talk to her. She would definitely respond to you. And when you are communicating try to put in some humor. Girls love such guys for sure. And just don’t try to overpower her. Be polite and calm. Talk slowly and gently and give her the chance to express herself as well. If says NO then don’t be just disappointed. There is always a second chance ands there are girls who don’t give a positive response in the first attempt and so just try to get just friendly with them.


And you also need to improve your appearance and try to build up your physique. Dress up sensibly and just give up that shaggy appearance. You will be the perfect one if you are following these little tit bits. If you need further help then you can just join in the online PUA forum at:


Posted by puaforums at 2:05 AM EDT
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Tit bits to attract girls quickly
Now Playing: Tit bits to attract girls quickly

A pick up artist is the one who just excels with women. If you look around then you would find there are so many boys around there who just remain surrounded  with the girls while on the other hand there are boys who just can’t even get started with the girls. The fact is that there is nothing special with those guys the only difference is the lack of  few attributes that women often look into a boy before getting them into some relation. And if you are able to learn those few technique you could be the next pick up artist in your college.


The first thing is the confidence. If you have the confidence you can do anything. This is the thing you might have been told several times in your class. That’s perfectly right. If you have the confidence you can seduce any girl. The girls love the guys who have in them the confidence. If you like some girl just gain confidence and approach her and talk to her. She would definitely respond to you. And when you are communicating try to put in some humor. Girls love such guys for sure. And just don’t try to overpower her. Be polite and calm. Talk slowly and gently and give her the chance to express herself as well. If says NO then don’t be just disappointed. There is always a second chance ands there are girls who don’t give a positive response in the first attempt and so just try to get just friendly with them.


And you also need to improve your appearance and try to build up your physique. Dress up sensibly and just give up that shaggy appearance. You will be the perfect one if you are following these little tit bits. If you need further help then you can just join in the online PUA forum at:


Posted by puaforums at 2:05 AM EDT
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