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The Significator represents you and the current state to be.

     The King of Wands

Rediscover the passion that has been missing in your endeavours, exhude friendliness & honesty. You may attract the exact help you need. A teacher or even a library figure at the moment.

The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.

     The Six of Wands

Delayed news arrives using a positive outcome. Success awaits but only if you are applying yourself in your free time. Music heard around the radio triggers a realisation.

The Foundation card addresses the origin of your question.

     The Emperor

The Emperor is letting you know that you will be to handle a challenge soon. Focus your power to follow along with this project to completion, you will receive greater than fair recognition to your efforts.


The past represents past events and concerns.

     Four of Cups Reversed

Awakening from a sedate period. New relationships, goals and ventures are possible.


The Crown issues that are significant in today's or can come to give later on. This card foretells future events which you might or might not occur, depending upon the way you reply to the present situation.

     The Eight of Wands Reversed

Delay infuriates at this point you. Interaction with another raises issues, make sure you not overreact. Surprise ally emerges who lifts your mood.


The long run depicts whatever is coming up next.

     Three of Wands Reversed

Someone comes with an ulterior motive. Beware gossip, a digital communication arrives containing surprising news.



Emotions card signifies the present state of the emotional self.

     The Magician

The Magicians wand takes great energy from above & channels it into reality. You can bring anything directly into being through the force of one's will, if you'd like it badly enough.


External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends within your relationships with others.

     Six of Swords

Only now are you able to look at you happen to be stressed. You've come a long way. An outing is discussed, this is a turning point in your lifetime. Consciously range from turbulence, believe that a brighter path can now be travelled.


Hopes and needs means the hopes and desires you've got for the results of your question.

     Three of Swords Reversed

You are allowing you to ultimately dwell on confusion. Some situations have no logical explanation. Today identify an adverse, make it your task to turn it in a positive.


The result the greatest outcome your question. Recall the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card poor the complete reading so when indicative with the path you might be currently on, however, not sure to:

     The Fool

The Fool always releases your untapped potential & throws you directly into a thrilling new phase in your life. Think before you buy you speak. Beware to not chase rainbows, keep the feet on a lawn.