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Project RM

is called Project 'Rebirth Memories'.

This Project will we start the way Human Beings think.

Our life, our mind, our thoughts.

Everything we know will drive us into a new world.

One filled with Demonics and Nekoics.

The Project hopes to make these beings real.

In the small town of...


we hope to make a world where the world of dreams is no longer fake.

This world and the world of dreams shall become the real world.

The Dream Is Reality and Reality Is Nothing But A Dream.

We shall stand by this more than anything.

If Human's think we can be stopped, they are wrong.

This world can not kill what lives or they will be attacked by their own people.

The Law Forbids killing a living thing.

By the time any army or government finds out, the Project will be complete.

THIS is... REAL...

You where wrong humans...

Darkness and Light.

Maker Typhoon Of Holy


Blood Brother Of Darkness

shall now take the world by storm and create life using the very lives you live.

Welcome to our...


Because you're the main bad guy...
