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WordPress Vs Drupal

The Content Management System (CMS) allows an unqualified person to add content to a website. It does not require knowledge of HTML or CSS. 

 Two cm popular are WordPress and drupal. One is better than the other? No, I don't. (Although there are strong preferences between developers and sellers.) 

 Which works best for you depends on your website needs and business objectives. It also depends on who you choose to work with and what experience they have to do. 

 Transformers and Lego 

 Transformers with Lego 

 There are some twists and twists that you can turn into a usable website and get you launch faster. But you're a little limited to what he can do. 

 Instead of a complete pre-built solution, it's more like a framework. With these building blocks, you can turn it into whatever you want. (But it takes longer to get together.) 

 Which CMS is easier to use? 

 Do you plan to set up and maintain your website yourself? It is easy to install and there are a lot of themes that are ready. You can also install the plug-in yourself. 

 drupal has a pronounced learning curve that requires drupal developers to set up a website for you. You also need a developer to install any plugin (called modules in drupal land). 

 Once the site is configured, drupal is easy to add simple content. 

 Takeaway: WordPress is better for people who do not have development support or HTML/CS knowledge. drupal needs a web development team to set up your website for you. 

 Which one has better security? 

 drupal has enterprise-grade security. The White House website .gov uses drupal. 

 WordPress plugins can have vulnerabilities that make them easier to break. (This may also be partly due to its large coverage.) 

 However, there are third-party add-ons that improve security. 

 Takeaway: If enterprise-level security is important to your business, then you need drupal. 

 Drupal vs WordPress Non-Profit 

 Is WordPress best mobile/responsive website? 

 Both Drupal and WordPress work for mobile and sensitive websites. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not need a separate m-point domain for drupal (for example, 

 Takeaway: Drupal and WordPress are ideal for mobile and responsive design. 

 Which one is better for SEO? 

 Both sites have plugins/modules that can be used to help basic SEO. You can add metadata, create xml sitemaps and structured data, such as schemas, and more. 

 , there are several basic modules, such as meta tags and xml sitemap modules. (Check out the complete list of this Drupal SEO post.) 

 However, optimizing the page with keywords and creating the xml sitemap will not allow you to sort. (at least in a competitive niche), you need a solid SEO and content strategy along with clean tracking code. (pssst, we can help!) 

 However, SEO is not just about optimizing content. Your site needs what someone is looking for. The latter is the challenging part and no CMS will do it for you. 

 Which one is more expensive to use? 

 Both WordPress and Drupal are free to use. 

 For a simple website with little or no customization, WordPress will be cheaper. It also has a lot of topics available for little or no cost that will reduce costs. 

 If you need a lot of customization that requires development time, then the two sites can be equal to each other. Note that if you choose a developer with little experience in drupal, you have a pronounced learning curve. (such as cheeky monkey media.) 

 Takeaway: WordPress is cheaper for simple websites that require a little customization. Drupal websites often require a higher development budget. 

 Which CMS is faster? 

 Page speed is an important rating factor for conversion rates and website availability. 40% of people quit a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. 

 Drupal has a slight advantage here because it is already cached. (Without a confusing explanation, this will provide content faster.) drupal also consumes less resources unless you have too many modules. 

 However, WordPress is far from slow. As long as you keep your plugin checked, you can have a quick website. 

 Both cm' can be quickly with the correct optimization. You can: optimize images, use plugins or minimal modules, keep code simple, use cdn (like cloudflare) and use fast servers. 

 Takeaway: WordPress and Drupal both can have fast page speeds. Drupal has a slight advantage due to built-in caching and resource-intensive frameworks. 

 Which one is more scalable? 

 Both sites are extensible. All of them can have thousands of users and millions of visitors per month (using the right server). 

 drupal has an advantage because it selects only the modules it needs per page. With WordPress, each plugin works on every page. Then you need to install something else to make it more scalable. 

 Takeaway: Drupal still has the advantage of scalability thanks to its modular system. 

 How to choose the right CMS 

 Note that the list below is very general. You can do complex things with WordPress, you can do more than blog posts and articles. 

 Each solution is done on a case-by-case basis. These are just general guidelines on when to use one of them. 

 At the end of the day, both cm' are tools, not solutions. 

 When to use drops of anesthesia 

 Enterprise-grade security required 

 Your site will have more than 5000 pages 

 You need something like an app 

 You need very detailed control over user permissions 

 You need to extract data from multiple (or large) databases 

 Your site is very complex 

 WP logo when using WordPress 

 Your site is only blog entries and articles 

 You plan to create your own website without developing experience 

 You need to set up your website for next week 

 Your budget is limited 

 No need for professional plugins