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The Wonderful World Of Dance

Types Of Dance

My Favorite Web Sites

Discount dancewear
Debbie Allen's Dance Academt

Dance is a way of expression. There are so many types of dance styles in the world. The most common is Ballet, Tap and Hiphop. It is very important that you take training when studying dance. Training will enable you to learn the correct way to move and different ways to move. It is the safest way to enjoy it. I have been dancing for seventeen years. I have studied all six of the dance styles mentioned above. I have taken training from different places as well as performed with different companies. Now, I study dance in college. Being in a college company is not as fun as when you are with local groups. The best part is performng infront of your peers. If you would like to know anything else about dance or need any advice, feel free to send me an email!
