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Whether you looking for a great costume for an upcoming party or just to add a few pieces to spice up a boring wardrobe, there is plenty of vision to be found in the decade of 1980s. You will soon find out that there are fun, chic looks out there for everybody. Use some of the basic tips below to help you find the 80s fashions made just for you.

  1. Leather was all the rage for everyone including rock stars and pop starlets. Add a black leather jacket or a pair of thick biker boots to a feminine dress for a chic yet bold look.

  1. Daring, heavy makeup was the preferred cosmetic trend at the time. Think bright lipstick, heavy lashes, faux moles, and blush.

  1. Another popular fabric for 80s fashions was denim. Denim was so popular it sometimes made up whole outfits plus accessories. Luckily, you do not have to be so drastic. Just adding a loose, denim jacket to your daily look will do.

  1. When it comes to add jewelry: more, more, more! Do not be afraid to pile on he jewels. Try layering necklaces or stacking rings (or bracelets). Also it was common to only wear one earrings instead of a full pair.

  1. Leggings or tights were considerable fashionable just not as activewear but as daily clothing. Young girls wore these everywhere in every imaginable color, under skirts or alone.

  1. The 1980s was not afraid of color or patterns. Shades of neon and bold black colored everything. Plaid, lace, and thick stripes were popular patterns at the time. Do not be shy! Mix and match shades and patterns for a great, modern outfit.

  1. Of course, every girl knows that a costume is not complete without the right shows. Teen starlets like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper could often be found wearing a pair of biker boots or Converses.

Remember this is only the tip of the iceberg! There is so much inspiration to had so have some fun.