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With house foreclosure rates remaining at record highs, millions of homeowners are continuing to lose sleep at night because they are worried about losing their homes to a house foreclosure.  Instead of being a small number of people who have gotten in over their heads, it seems to affect almost everybody.  With all of the stories we hear about foreclosure though, and with so many people at risk of losing their homes to house foreclosure, do we really understand exactly what is foreclosure?

The legal process where a lien holder, typically a lender, takes possession of the property of a borrower after the borrower has fallen behind on their loan payments resulting in the loan going into default is what is foreclosure.  Once the foreclosure is complete, it is then the property of the lender who is able to sell the property and keep any proceeds in order to pay off the mortgage and any additional legal fees.

Many homeowners feel like they don’t have any options if their house ends up in foreclosure, but that’s simply not the case.  You can stop foreclosure and save your home.  For many people that have had to deal with predatory lenders such as Bank of America, Countrywide, JP Morgan Chase, US Bank, GMAC, Wells Fargo or others, a securitization audit has been able to get people help loan that they need to stop foreclosure.  A securitization audit will examine your loan documents and look for issues such as robo signing or other issues.  Just having a securitization audit as evidence that the bank was involved in an illegal foreclosure can make the bank more willing to negotiate terms and stop foreclosure proceedings.  These audits can also be solid evidence in trying to obtain a permanent loan modification.

A forensic loan audit can also be an option for you if you are struggling to make payments and are attempting to get a mortgage modification from your bank.  With a forensic loan audit, your loan will be examined for irregularities at both the state and federal levels. If any such violations are found, the doors are open to pursue litigation against the banks.

Once you understand exactly what is foreclosure, it doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems. It will still be a very stressful emotional ordeal to face, but you should know that you do have options other than simply giving up and walking away from your home.

This is why if you need foreclosure help, you should not hesitate to contact Tila Solutions to give you the foreclosure help you need.  For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.  If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335.  Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at help loan.