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our company logo is a hugely important business tool. It helps to create your identity and establish your company's position in the market. When a customer sees your logo they should instantly associate it with you and the service you deliver. It is a visual symbol of what you do and will feature in every part of your business, from booklet printing to company uniforms. It is vital therefore that it is handled effectively. Here are a few things to consider when you are designing and using your company logo.


Keep it simple

You want people to remember your logo and instantly think of your business, so don't create a logo that is overly complicated. It may be visually appealing and reflect the complex nature of your operation, but it will also be instantly forgettable. Think of some successful logos -- the Nike swoosh, for example, or the golden arches of McDonald's. What do they have in common? Whichever logo you are thinking of, the chances are the answer is simplicity.


Make it consistent

You might have slight variations of your logo, to be used in different contexts, but it is crucial that they come from one consistent design. Having a different logo on your business cards from the one on your website, for example, sends confusing signals to your customers and suggests a business with a lack of focus. On the other hand, use of a consistent logo in all aspects of the business suggests stability and clear thinking.

Make it unique


You logo must be unique to your business. If it is too similar to someone else's you face two problems. Firstly, when your customers see your logo they are just as likely to think of the other company as they are to think of you. This completely defeats the point of using a logo to reinforce your identity. Secondly, you risk legal action from the other business, which will almost certainly have trademarked their logo.

Use it widely


Once you have settled upon a logo, then you must use it widely. It should feature on your website, on all your stationary and any in advertising that you do. Remember also to include it when you organise business card printing. In short, any visual medium you use and any written communication should include your logo. The aim is to embed your company identity in the minds of the public and you won't do that without taking every opportunity.


Choose an inexpensive design


We have established that you will be using your logo in everything you do. It is wise therefore to consider the cost implications of printing possible designs. Once again, simplicity is your friend. Complicated designs and, in particular, multiple colours will increase costs in areas such as brochure and business card printing. It may not seem like a significant difference, but when you consider how widely your logo will be used it is soon going to add up. Choosing a simple one colour design will save you a lot of money in the long term.