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How To Sit At A Computer

Computer sitting posture is of vital significance for those who use a computer for prolonged periods. This posture has its implications on health and works productivity as well. Everyday use of computer calls for uncomfortable sitting postures, work and activity repetition, and sometimes, exertion. These may result in eye strain or nerve, muscle or ligament injuries, to mention a few of the numerous problems. Hence, it is recommended that a suitable workstation plan be considered an appropriate sitting posture computer techniques be implemented to bring down the risk of developing injuries to the minimum level possible. By following a few simple steps, one can make an attempt to stay away from these injuries.

Opting for a well-designed chair is one of the crucial considerations. Keeping the hips as behind as possible in the chair and altering the height of the seat, so that the feet are flat on the ground and the knees in line with or slightly lower than the hips, will prove beneficial. For a comfortable sitting posture computer position, inflatable pillows or small pillows can be used.

The keyboard positioning is also important. Proper positioning of ancillary input devices can be provided by an articulating keyboard tray. Ideally, one should be close to the keyboard but at a safe distance from the screen, with the keyboard straight in front. Adjust the keyboard height so that the shoulders are in a comfortable position, elbows are in a somewhat open posture, and wrists, as well as hands, are straight. This will allow for a relaxed computer sitting posture.

Another essential consideration is the mouse placement. One should place the arms at the keyboard and wrists at the mouse in a position as straight as possible and keep away from moving them often.  Attaching a mouse tray to the work surface is a considerable option. A mouse shape that fits the hand properly but is as flat as can be may be chosen to cut down wrist extension. Also, arrangements can be made where the mouse can be switched between the right and left hands.

Also, placing the telephone right is important. It is advisable to keep the phone within a comfortable reach, to avoid moving around to reach the phone while working.  One can make use of telephone stands. Additionally, headsets and a speakerphone can be made use of.

Following the above and a correct computer sitting posture when working, can be of immense help in avoiding injuries. It is advisable to keep moving as much as one can while working on a computer.

Posture Resources and Guides