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The Importance of Social Media in Internet Marketing

You have heard it time and time again. Why even bother using social media? The value of social media does not come from the number of tweets you send or the memes you post, but from the strength of your presence on social media. Who are you more likely to trust, someone who is practically impossible to find online, or someone with a decent following on Twitter, an updated LinkedIn profile, and a strong fan base on Facebook? Obviously, you will be more trusting of the latter.  Here are some helpful tips by a marketing firm in the UK on why you should consider using social media to promote your business.

Why else use social media? Not only does it enhance your professional profile, but it also can improve your SEO. The stronger your social media presence, the higher Google's complex algorithm ranks you. This in turn affects how high or low your website and social media websites are ranked when someone Google's your industry.  Also a bigger social media presence allows your content to be seen by more people, and this in turn leads to more links to your website.  And everyone knows more high quality links to your website means higher rankings and increased visibility for your business.

Having a strong SEO and social media presence can either make or break your online business. If your website shows up on the tenth page of a Google search, then you might as well be dead in the water. It is a known fact that most people do not look beyond the third page before clicking a link or calling it quits.   In fact a large percentage of searchers do not even go beyond the first page of Google search results.  Thus if you’re not on page one, you pretty much have little to no online presence.

Once you are ready to make the big leap into the vast world of social media, there are a few things you have to keep in mind. Never post something you are not ready to share with the whole world. Always fill out all the information on your social media profiles correctly and accurately, you want people to find you! Fill all the descriptions with SEO rich language to make it easier to find you. Finally, keep posting quality content consistently. With these steps, you should be well on your way to developing a strong social media presence and better SEO.