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Buff up teach beginning the point of view of foreigner

The instructive standards in Rub schools, while not amongst the lowly, it does not revelation resting on its level. It is accurate that we have the highest in the complete Europe percentage of people having a lofty discipline diploma, excluding is it a calculate of the high stage of teaching? Maybe it is the result of a small quantity of knowledge that the examination committees necessitate of us. Maybe towering train finals are immediately besides simple to pass and as a result approved by the most of students. It is not devoid of significance that they divided Matura Exam on the humanistic ingredient and the arithmetical one. But does the humanities part of the exam has some deeper meaning? Dont schools apply in addition a large amount instance lying on debating poems of earliest poets - in family member to how slight instance is dutiful to Polish history? I believe that supplementary constructive designed for youthful Poles would subsist a trip to Auschwitz trip to Auschwitz than 4 hours tired on top of dissecting works of people type of Sophocles or sth and figuring out what the author had in intellect.