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How to play squash

Squash service is decided at the beginning of the game. This is done either by spinning the squash racket or by tossing of coin. The server continues serving until the end of the game, provided he loses his chance in serving or the rally ends.

You can choose your side of serving, either before the game starts or before when your opponent loses his service chance. Once the rally ends, you are required to alternate your sides.

The squash ball must land up between the outline and service line onto the front wall.

The service is said to be faulty; if the player loses his foot contact with the floor within the service box. The foot should not touch the line surrounding the service box. This is known as foot fault.

Once a good service is made, players continue to strike the squash ball from both ends until a good service fails or the ball ceases in the game as per rules.

A ball is said to cease or a squash ball is said to be faulty, if it touches the outline. The ball is deemed out if it touches the tin or it bounces on the floor. It is again deemed out if it ball bounces on or before the short line.

The ball is said be a good return ball if it bounces twice on the floor and then reaches the opponent. It should not touch the striker’s body or clothing and should bounce on the front wall above the tin.

These are some of the squash game rules. They should come out of the player like your body reflexes. A person can get use to the game rules, by thoroughly practising them. Squash game is otherwise an easy game. Few points have to be kept in mind. Rest is just a good practise.