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Pine Creek Outfitters
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< I'm sure you've been to this place. The chilly air frosting your breath at every exhale. You know that you should feel chilly but before you get there you here it. An answer. You wait. A rustle in the bushes behind you. Slowly you turn your head.You see nothing. You here it again as it moves around you. The adrenilane flows. You hold your breath. Almost nightfall. Mere minutes before the darkness of night takes over. Then as you exhale you see him. Slowly you raise your arm and take aim. You slowly inhale, hold it, then release. It's over.

This is a moment that we all can share at Pinecreek Outfitters. Whether you are a seasoned hunter or out for the first time, we want to give you the experience of a life time.

Although we are still considered a newer outfitter we can still promise a great time. Weather it is bear, deer , moose, or maybe a wolf; you will have a great Alberta expirence.

Our camp is located around Fort McMurry. Let us take you to some of Alberta's breathtaking wilderness and farmlands. You will enjoy great accomidations, fantastic food along with fun, adventure and NO STRESS! Join Us for the hunt of a lifetime!