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After almost 10 years shooting less and less every year, sitting on the computer way too much, I finally “extracted” myself from the Internet business.   In 2005 we started I had learned a lot about building and hosting websites and I still had been shooting content for our sites but I wanted and needed to again devote more time working together with Christiné, and get back doing my photography full time. I had registered the domain name LasVegasStudios many years prior and decided I should put it to use. We still have our own dedicated web server and I still do web hosting and a bit of website design and maintenance for some long time friends and family.  I still enjoy working on computers and the Internet, but as cliché as it sounds, photography has always been my one overriding passion and doing Portrait, Glamour, Fitness and Boudoir Photography here in Las Vegas is what I love doing.

Time goes quickly and I love to keep busy. When I am not shooting, editing shoots or working on our websites and all of the other responsibilities of self employment, I am spending as much time as possible keeping our house and yard in order and try to find times for going through my 30+ years of photo archives. With over 300,000 images in my archives it is a never ending job organizing, cataloging, scanning and restoring early works. I used to think that my images from the 70s, 80s and 90s would be of some value down the line in the gallery, fine art, nostalgia, photography market, but now I just look at it as a vanity project that I will surely never finish in my lifetime.

View my portfolio here.

 In April of 2011 I got a “New Lease on Life”. After many years of pain from a progressively worsening arthritic hip I had a total left hip replacement. All the years of schlepping equipment and moving furniture around and building photo sets, followed buy years of sitting at the computer had taken its toll.  The surgery was a great success and even though it took 5 years of complaining to get it approved, I thank Dr. Briggs and the Veteran’s Administration in Las Vegas for their great work and for giving me a “new lease” on life. Since then I have been able to resume a full work schedule and feel great. I did weight watchers for 8 months and got my weight back down to my 1980’s weight from before I quit smoking. I have put some of it back on but I try mind my diet.

Christiné is a great cook and I enjoy cooking as well.  It is relaxing for us. She cooks healthy meals, I like baking the desserts.  We enjoy our Cabernet and Zinfandel, and watching a bit of TV when we can. I am a big college football fan (Go Ducks!, C’mon Rebels!) and I still like to watch the kids on the talent shows giving it their all in search of stardom. We don’t have children but have had some great cats during our time together and currently have a couple of rescue kitties that have turned into big strong old cats, and and in 2014 got a funny cartoon dog Shih tzu mix named Lola that keeps us smiling…. and who has added a whole new dimension to our lives.

Making great photos never gets old.  Every shoot is a new experience and we love it when our clients challenge us to give them the photos they have always dreamed to have done.  It keeps us young and always experimenting and trying new things.  We are fortunate and we appreciate every day. –John Copeland

#photographersinvegas, #headshotslasvegasphotographers, #HeadshotPhotographyinLasVegas, #portraitphotographylasvegas, #fitnesscompetitionphotos, #fitnessphotographers, #LasVegasPinupPhotography, #photostudioslasvegas, #lasvegasactorsphotographers, #FashionPhotographerinLasVegas