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Tired of sitting in front of a computer screen on Photoshop for hours and hours? Want to get off the computer and back out into the world with a camera in your hand? Well the photo retouching service experts here at photoExodus have a great tip to help you speed up your work-flow - Hotkeys! Yes, it seems so obvious, yet there are so many great photographers I know who still only have a handful of Photoshop hot-keys memorized. So here at photoExodus we have compiled a list of the most useful Photoshop hot-keys for professional photographers. Print these off and tape them up next to your Mac, then every image editing session try and use a few new ones, pretty soon you will be a Photoshop hotkey wiz!

Want to speed up your work flow even faster? Why not just hand over all of your post production needs to an image retouching service specialist! At photoExodus we work tirelessly to get our clients off of their Macs and back out into the world doing what they love -- shooting! Investing in a quality image retouching service that you can trust is not only one of the best decisions for your personal life (and believe us your family and friends will thank you for it), it is a great business decision too! As a photographer you are best serving your clients when you are out in the field with a camera in your hand and that is where you make all your money. For example take the rate you charge for an event, then look at what our image post processing services cost? It is almost definitely a small portion of what you charge for an event, but I am willing to bet a majority of your time per event is spent on post processing. Using this logic it is irrational to not use a post processor!

Fill a layer: Alt+Backspace (foreground) or Cmd+Backspace(background)
Flatten layers:  Cmd+Alt+Shift+E
Merge visible Layers:  Cmd+Shift+E
Bring layer to top of stack:  Cmd+Shift+]
Send layer to bottom of stack:  Cmd+Shift+[
Bring layer forward:  Cmd+]
Send layer back:  Cmd+[
New layer via copy:  Cmd+J
New layer via cut:  Cmd+Shift+J
Copy multiple layers:  Shift+Cmd+C

Reselect:  Cmd+Shift+D
Invert selection:  Cmd+Shift+I
Select all layers:  Cmd+Opt+A
Select bottom layer:  Opt+Comma(,)
Select top layer:  Opt+Period(.)
Deselect from the selection area:  Opt+drag
Deselect all but the intersected area:  Shift+Opt+drag
Deselect the entire image:  Cmd+D
Move a selection:  Spacebar+Marquee Tool
Find the sizing handles:  Cmd+T, Cmd+0
Select individual channels:  Cmd+3(red),4(green),5(blue)
Select a colour from an image:  Opt+Brush Tool

Increase/decrease brush size:   ]/[
Increase/decrease brush hardness:   }/{
Fill:   Shift+F5
Previous/next brush:   ,/.
First/last brush:   </>
Toggle airbrush option:   Shift+Alt+P

Saving and Closing
Save for web & devices:   Cmd+Shift+Opt+S
Close & go to bridge:   Cmd+Shift+W

Working with your images
Levels:    Command+L
Free Transform:  Cmd+T
Curves:  Cmd+M
Colour Balance:  Cmd+B
Hue/Saturation:  Cmd+U
Desaturate:  Cmd+Shift+U
Auto Tone:  Shift+Cmd+L
Auto Contrast:  Opt+Shift+Cmd+L
Auto Color:  Shift+Cmd+B
Lens correction:  Shift+Cmd+R
Adaptive Wide Angle:  Opt+Shift+Cmd+A
Content aware scale:  Cmd+Shift+Opt+C
Content-Aware Move:  Shift+J
Create clipping mask:  Cmd+Opt+G
Blending modes:  Shift+plus(+) or minus(-)
Change image size:  Cmd+Opt+i

View actual pixels:  Cmd+Opt+0
Fit on screen:  Cmd+0
Zoom in:  Cmd+plus(+)
Zoom out:  Cmd+Minus(-)