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online phlebotomy schools teach students the basic information needed for gaining a certificate or diploma in phlebotomy.Phlebotomy means the actual physical act of puncturing a vein for the extraction of blood. A phlebotomist is trained in blood sample extraction for the purposes of testing or for transfusion.Enrollment in phlebotomy school training programs requires a high school diploma or GED. Phlebotomy jobs require a diploma from an accredited phlebotomy college, university, or vocational school. Online programs offer basic courses in preparation for required internships. Online phlebotomy certificate and diploma programs can be completed in as little as three months; associate degrees in phlebotomy may take 18 months. Bachelor degrees from phlebotomy universities and colleges will require longer periods for additional studies.Coursework in Online phlebotomy schools online programs will typically include anatomy, physiology, and phlebotomy techniques, as well as communication skills that will help to relax patients and make the blood draw experience as painless and positive as possible. Hands-on training in drawing blood through venipuncture and skin puncture will necessarily be required in laboratory settings during clinical internships and/or externships of the phlebotomy program.Phlebotomists are employed in medical offices, clinics, and laboratories to assist doctors and nurses by focusing their time and skills on blood collection. Phlebotomy is practiced most often in hospitals and during blood drives. Administration of medications or fluids through venipuncture is not performed by phlebotomists, however, performing of tasks other than collection of blood may be expected of phlebotomists. Preparing tests or collecting and testing urine samples are some possibilities. These skills should be included in phlebotomy training programs.Online phlebotomy training programs may take a year, when training includes an internship in a hospital or clinic setting. Certification in CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) may be required for phlebotomy internships. In addition to CPR training, a phlebotomist may have studied detailed anatomy and physiology, blood collection techniques, safe handling of blood and other bodily fluids, legal aspects of blood collection, patient relationships, and the practices recommended by the Universal and Standard Precautions.