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In Loving Memory Of:
Kay Frances Butler

Born on November 26, 1941
Died on June 7, 2007

Our beloved wife, mother, grandma and friend was taken from us to be with the lord on 6/7/07. My mother did all she could in the little time we had her. We had kept her comfortable as possible. Not a day that will go by where our tears wont fall. She will sadly be missed.

06-08-2007 3:16 PM -- By: Tina,  From: Ionia  Email:
She will be missed by many! She was a wonderful person with a great personality. I am glad she is no longer suffering. I don't know why such a wonderful person had to be stricken with such an ugly thing! To the family I just want to say that I am very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

06-08-2007 3:14 PM -- By: ,  From:  Email:
words can not say how much you are loved and will always be in our hearts. i know you are safe in gods arms.not a day will go by that we do not think of you. rest in peace love you .dean lisa

06-07-2007 10:18 PM -- By: Amber Butler,  From: Lyons, michigan  Email:
I love you very much and thank you for adopted me. you will be in my heart and we will always miss you forever. R~I~P pretty little peanut with the pretty blueeyes

p.s i love you with all of my heart and grandpa will miss you forever when he goes in heavn with you.

06-07-2007 10:12 PM -- By: tonya harrington,  From: lyons  Email:
i will always love u so mcuh. u never leave my heart. u were the best grandma any one could ever ask for. R~I~P love u, bumps

06-07-2007 10:11 PM -- By: pam butler,  From: Lyons, mi.  Email:
I love you very much and i will surely miss her. she is no longer suffering and in a better place. R.I.P love you

06-07-2007 10:05 PM -- By: pam butler,  From:  Email:
I will surely miss her, i lover her very much. she is in abetter place no suffering. R.I.P. love you very much and you will never be forgotten

06-07-2007 9:16 PM -- By: Betty Kellogg,  From: Lyons Michigan Now Kalamazoo Michigan  Email:
I was glad to have been your friend through the time you was alive you was there for me and melody if we had to go places you took us.

I am sorry that you passed away but now you are up there with Gloria and you are looking down on us. God Bless you Love: Betty K

06-07-2007 8:52 PM -- By: Monica Carpenter,  From: Kalamazoo Michigan now in Largo Florida  Email:
Well I cant really say I new her that well but I am her grandaughters best friend and the daughter of Melody who is Kays daughter Pams bestfriend....

An I am truely sorry that she had to go through all the heartace and pain that she did. But now God has her and she will be tooken care of and missed an loved by many...

I hope the family understands that she is happy now where she has gone and someday they will see her again...

I will never forget the time that I last seen her she was one grate women and to help raise her grandbabys made her a miricle.

I hope that my grandmother and her both keep looking down on us and can help the friends and family to continue on with enjoying life to its fullest an to kiss all the boo boos away when we need them :) Oh and dont let the babys feed other babys while in cribs LOL...

Signing out with love for everyone keep your heads up and stay strong..... Monica C

06-07-2007 7:40 PM -- By: Jeff,  From: Portland  Email:
I am very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies go to your whole family. Just remember she will be in your hearts forever.

06-07-2007 5:42 PM -- By: April,  From: Greenville, North Carolina  Email:
RIP Mrs. Butler :( My sympathies go out to Nikki, her family and friends and to all who were family and friends of Mrs. Butler. May she rest in peace now. She no longer suffers the horror of cancer. May she rest with God. RIP and god bless you all!

06-07-2007 4:25 PM -- By: the frushour family,  From: lyons  Email: malibubarbie_182
we send our deepest sympthies to ur family,she will be missed very much by us and everyone!! love the frushour family kathy.....dave.....amber....kandi...jason sr.

06-07-2007 4:12 PM -- By: Melody.Gibson,  From: Lyons/now Kalamazoo  Email:
She was my second mother as well as my brothers Paul,Ronnie,Robert,We will miss her.She made you laugh when you thought there was no way things were getting better...I will be watching for her and my mother in the clouds . Laughing at their children and grandchildren.And picking us up when we dont even know its is them.Love you always kay And love to the family

06-07-2007 4:08 PM -- By: Martin,  From: Detroit,Michigan  Email:
I am sorry to hear that you passed.May god take you by the hand and lead you into the heaven of love.

Love, dj martin

06-07-2007 4:02 PM -- By: Crystal,  From: Lyons  Email:
I love My Grandma!!!

06-07-2007 11:08 AM -- By: Nikki,  From: Michigan  Email:
Grandma, I love you very much. You were an awsome fighter. You did all that you could. You had fought to the very end. I will miss you with each passing day. You were my rock since day one and I hope you will continue to be my rock looking down on me from heaven. There sill not be a day that goes by that my tears will not fall. You are in a better place and not suffering anymore. I know I'll see you again someday. R.I.P Grandma
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