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 Stink bugs are famous for the unpleasant smell that they emit when they are crushed or when they are trying to defend themselves. The smell is a defense mechanism that is often quite effective in most parts of the world, however in some countries, like Laos, the strong odor is used for seasoning food. The people in Laos will crush up stink bugs and mix them with herbs and spices to produce “cheo”. The Laotians enjoy the taste of these bugs when they are properly prepared.

Stink bugs are triangular or shield-shaped (which is why they are sometimes called “shield bugs”) and are usually around 0.75 inches in length. They have wings and antennae and are brown, dark green, or gray-ish in color. There are a variety of different colors and patterns that characterize stink bugs, but all of them tarsi with 3 segments. The foul smell is emitted from the stink bug’s thorax when it is threatened or disturbed. Some stink bug species actually contain liquid with cyanide compounds in it and an odor that smells of rancid almonds. 

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Stink bugs consume plant items like leaves or flowers, but they also enjoy fruits and crops like soybeans. Though they may be a pest themselves, they also eat other pests like caterpillars that are nibbling on leaves. Stink bugs can reproduce prolifically and can therefore create a large population in a short period of time. To make matters worse, they are often resistant to pesticides and therefore pose a threat to cotton, soybeans, corn, certain ornamental trees, shrubs, and vines. This is not true of all stink bugs. Some of them are actually beneficial because of their predatorial behavior toward other more damaging insects like Mexican bean beetles or Japanese beetles.

Stink bugs tend to take up residence in orchards, farms, or gardens because these are places where it is easy for them to find the food that they most enjoy. They don’t hurt humans directly, but they can cause damage to food sources and therefore hurt humans indirectly. To prevent an infestation of these bugs, homeowners will often try to seal up cracks and crevices around the house and replace damaged screens on the doors and windows of the home. In the garden, a stink bug can be killed using insecticides that are designed to target this type of bug. By keeping a garden clean at the end of the growing season and keeping weeds under control during the growing season, stink bugs can often be kept in check.

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Stink bugs eggs are in the shape of a barrel or kettle. Different stink bugs produce eggs of different colors. Some eggs may be yellow or green while others produce white eggs. Sometimes the eggs turn color as they mature. Nymphs are typically smaller than adult stink bugs, but look similar in shape otherwise. Nymphs may also vary from adults in terms of color. For example, the nymph of a green stink bug may be black during this stage until it fully matures.