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Firm Overview

We wake up every day with one goal in mind – provide access to justice to those who are hurting, regardless of the severity.  To do this, we have flipped the traditional law firm business model on its head.  We are lean.  We are efficient.  We use technology.  And we are accessible.  The sum of these parts is a team that is ready to fight for you.  Because we recognize that an injury doesn’t have to be catastrophic to be life-changing.

And the best part? If we don’t win, you won’t owe us a penny. Simple as that.


How We’re Different:

In order to achieve our goal of providing access to justice to as many people as possible, we recognized
that we couldn’t structure our law firm the “traditional” way.  We had to be different.  We had to find a
way to provide efficient representation while always keeping our clients’ best interest at the forefront.
So we built a robust pre-litigation department that utilizes the latest technology.  When a client signs up
with Patterson Law Group, our pre-litigation attorneys and staff aggressively pursue settlement with the
insurance companies before filing a lawsuit.  This keeps expenses down and typically results in earlier
settlements.  If and when litigation becomes necessary, our experienced, passionate attorneys and staff,
already familiar with your case, are ready to fight for you in court.

Access to Your Legal Team:

If you need to hire a personal injury law firm, it’s because you’re dealing with a very big problem.  The 
one thing you don’t need is more problems, like being kept in the dark by your lawyer.  At Patterson Law
Group, our clients have access to their cloud-based case file, meaning they have access to
up-to-the-minute updates on what is happening with their case.  Clients can see who exactly at our firm
did what exactly for their case.  And if they have any questions, they call us and we answer.  We take
pride in being there for our clients when they need us.

We’re All About Adding Value:

Need help getting your car fixed? We’ll help you, free of charge.  Unlike other personal injury firms,
Patterson Law Group has staff members who are trained to assist clients with their property damage. 
Need to file a claim with your insurance company for personal injury protection (“PIP”) or Med Pay? We’ll
help you, free of charge.  We do all this to add value to you, our client.