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Can’t Take Christmas

 Joan Clifton Costner



As long as stars shine down on us,

Or rivers flow to sea;

As long as evergreens stand tall,

And birds sing in the Spring;


As long as children’s laughter

Brings a smile to any face;

There is a time when ‘all at once’ we

Remember God’s great grace.


While mountains stand majestic;

While sunsets take our breath,

While geese fly at the seasons and

Birds build intricate nests;


They can’t take Christmas from us,

For each heart born anew,

Will recognize and cherish

The things sent us by You.


Each time we see a little lamb ~

Or hear a baby’s coo;

The fragrance of the new mown hay,

Will bring remembrance too.


And then, at last, deprived of ‘sights’

That men would take away,

We’ll just search all the more

For treasures unique to that day....


When You reached down from Heaven ~

Laid a baby at Man’s door...

We’ll find that Christmas just lasts longer

Than it ever... has.... before!



© 2007 by Joan Clifton Costner

Under His Wings Heavenly Poetry

Joan is a Heavenly Inspirations Author.

This poem may be used in its entirety,

 with credits in tact,

 non-profit ministering purposes.


Page Created  By Pam Gallo







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