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Acne affects many people. Almost everyone had it at some point in their life. Acne can result in unsightly scars and may lower one’s confidence.

What are the causes of acne?

Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, but generally speaking, it appears when pores become plugged by sebum, dirt, and dead cells. The plug can be infected and inflamed and consequently bring about red bumps we call pimples. Hormonal changes related to teenage life, menses, pregnancy, stress, or underlying disorders may increase the skin's sebum production and thus more vulnerable to acne. Use of greasy cosmetic and hair products could also trigger acne. Breakouts can also occur as a side effect of taking particular therapeutic drugs, such as steroids. Genetics also matters. If your parents had repeated bouts with acne, you may have a similar tendency.

Combating acne is not merely the treatments you apply to your skin. The skin is easily impacted by our way of living, food intake and the environment we expose it to.

Reminders to help you avert and lessen acne


Stress increases the production of glucocorticoids which can cause irregularities in skin structure and function, and thus worsen problems such as acne. Find strategies to reduce stress and make sure to have a restful sleep every night.

Steer clear of foods with high glycemic index

If you are susceptible to acne, avoid foods that are high in refined carbohydrates. These include bread, pasta, pastries and white rice. It is considered that food that elevates blood sugar also raises hormones which encourage oil production, which consequently will aggravate acne.


Exercising regularly will help improve cell oxygenation. It also helps flush out toxins and improves your body's defense mechanisms. Exercise will also let you lower stress.

Cleanse twice daily

Clean your face twice daily with a non-comedogenic cleanser. This will prevent pores being clogged. Even if your skin is oily, you still must use a moisturizer, but pick one designed for oily skin. Using an exfoliant once per week can also be useful.

Consider using ClearPores

ClearPores is an acne recovery system which features a deep facial cleansing product and oil-free moisturizer. What makes it different from other acne treatments though is that it assists you fight acne inside out with the use of a 100% natural herbal supplement which willwhich will flush out toxins, boost immunity, and decrease oil production. Find clearpores skin cleansing system review here.