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What Is Palmistry?

Palmistry or Chiromancy is a way of foretelling the future through reading the palm. It is commonly referred to as Palm Reading.

Reading the palm in this way has a long history and is found in many cultures. In the west it was popular for hundreds of years but opposition from Catholic church led to it reducing in popularity in the middle ages. However many of the skills survived and a revival in the skill began to take place in the 1830's.

In the late 19th century the popularity of Palmistry took a major upturn thanks to the Irish Palm Reader William John Warner, more popularly known as Cheiro.

Cheiro studied in India and became a major social figure in London, giving readings to such people as Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Thomas Edison, Gladstone and Chamberlain. The sceptical Mark Twain said that Cheiro had " my character to me with humiliating accuracy." (Wikipedia)

Today Palmistry is undergoing another revival. Unlike in Cheiro's time  it is now possible to obtain a reading from a reputable palmist from anywhere in the world. Online Palm Readings are possible through Skype and Email.