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Welcome to Painted Turtle's Home Page

We will be known by the traces we leave behind.

First of all I want to say Thank You
my friend for the beautiful turtle you
sent to me. I love it on my web background.
May the Great Spirit be with you my Friend and Sister.

Still have some things to add to this new page.
Hope to have everything up and running on this page
real soon so please stop in and see what is new.
Please check out the new site added, Mixed Creations
It is Handmade Jewelry Site.
And please sign my guest book. Enjoy looking around.

My name is Painted Turtle.
I am part Shawnee and Cherokee.
Some of my ancestors (My GG Grandmother)
was of the Cherokee Tribe
My father was of the Shawnee Blood.
Also my 6th Great Grandmother was of the Patawomeck Tribe.
She is GGG Grand Daughter to Matoaks "Pocahontas"
I am only 1/2 to 3/4. (so I have been told)
but in my heart I am Full Blood.
I have found family on Rolls and will be glad
To make it up to meet them.
I have waited a long time to find my people
At one time I thought it would never happen.
The Great Spirit has send his Blessings
I have found where I belong.
My heart is filled with Peace, Love, and Joy.

I have made these pages so viewers like
you can stop by and look around.
I am very proud of who I am.
I will always be proud of who I am.

We are proud people.
If we do not stand up for ourselves and our ancestors.
All will be lost forever.
We must stand up for who we are!
Our ancestors did and we should too!!
I have seen people that claim to be Native American,
but their heart sure does not act as though they are.
Then I have seen Full Blood Native American’s
that do not act it or have the heart.
This saddens me greatly.
I have seen Native American’s that are 1/16th. blood.
Their heart is good and they do their best
to live the ways of our ancestors.
Many people today do not understand our ways
and think we are some kind of heartless people.
This is not true, we are people just like you.
I believe that now is the time to
change all of that.
We do have feelings. We do hurt, the
same as everyone else. Someday maybe
we can live in peace. Hope that this day
will come before the land, and all on
it has no hope of life left.

We must all start to help the land and
all on it. It is time to be at peace!
We can all learn from each other,
all we have to do is give it a try.
I will be the first to admit that I am still learning.

3 words you should never use!
Squaw, Buck, and Papoose.
These are insults to the Native American.
It is time we should all
show each other RESPECT!

Hope you have time to stop in to
Zane Shawnee Caverns and say Hi to all of them.
If you ever make it up that way Stop in and see
everyone there. You will enjoy your visit for sure.

I hope you enjoy my pages
and come back again soon.
If you have time please sign my guest book.
May you walk with the Great Spirit in peace.
Guestbook by GlobalGuest.Com
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Thank you my Friend for the guest book button's many years ago.
Page Created & Designed by: Painted Turtle
