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An operating system, or "OS" is a series of computer programs that when combined, you can use your computer with ease. MAny common operating systems include,

  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Mac OSX Snowleopard
  • Mac OSX Lion
  • Ubuntu

These (excluding Ubuntu) are common commercial operating systems. These cost money to get but



There are many ways to install an operating system but first, you have to decide what operating system you want to install.

Then you have to make sure your computer has the minimum requirements for the installation.

Then you have to decide what type of installation method to use.

  • Clean install
  • Upgrade
  • Multi-boot
  • Virtualization

Once you decide how you will install it, put the OS disk in your computer


The disk will take you step by step, how to install it.

What partition, if one will you install it on?

How much space will be dedicated to this OS?

What do you want to include into this download?


Then you finally install.


While the installation is happening, you can go get a drink of water, make some popcorn, play basketball or you could just wait.


When all is said and done, you can have fun on your neww operating system!



There will be one main desktop computer for the manager of the office. This will be able to see reports on the other computers activities and act as the network administrator.


The workers computers will all be Laptops, networked wirelessly to the Internet and also will be connected to the server network. VPN connection will also be provided for workers when they are home.


File storage and backup willbe provided by the new server, implemented into the office.


The operating system I reccomend for the computers is Windows 7. It is simple to use and I can install it on all the computers myself. I will also provide connectivity for the networking job.



The old office computers would be great to donate to a charity or a local school etc. BUT.

First, we would have to take ALL of the information from the company off of the computers. put a clean install, (mentioned earlier) of Windows XP. It is what schools use now for their students. With the clean install, the user accounts will be reset and they will be ready to use for the school.


Thank You,

Seth Choynake