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All Products Petroleum Free

Orémus for Life products are dedicated to Life; all life from conception to a natural death. Our products help to maintain that life by using only the purest, most natural and Certified Organic ingredients from around the world.

When you and your family use any of our body care products, you can feel confident that you are using a product that is not only pleasing to the senses, but is helping to strengthen and boost your natural immune system.

Orémus for Life products are simple, with no fancy fillers, dyes, perfumes, stabilizers, petroleum by products, or chemicals that can harm your body. They are made with simplicity and blended for your convenience.

Each lotion combination is packed with natural vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, essential fatty acids… the list goes on… that will feed, heal and replenish not only your skin, but your whole body. Our products all boast the health benefits of pure essential oils; the healing properties of these oils are so amazing; that we highly encourage a personal study for all our customers. A very good resource to begin such a study is at Mountain Rose Herbs one of the finest and most reputable of organic companies helps us to maintain our top quality assurance and are a veritable wealth of information to us and can be for you also.

We are still very small, but our products speak volumes. With Orémus for Life products being used daily in your home and a healthy diet, you’ll begin to notice a gradual improvement in the overall health of you and your family.

(When afflicted with acute illness, we do recommend the use of organic herbs and homeopathic remedies in conjunction with our products)

All Products Petroleum Free
