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The length of time that it will take for the treatment process

When the dental implant is installed, the aim is to provide a replacement for the natural teeth that has been misplaced. This tooth is usually made of a very hard metal known as titanium and this can be given credit for its success in durability and strength. When one has decided to seek for these services, it is always recommended that they first consult with their dentist in order for them to have full knowledge of what is happening to their teeth. It will also be a good way for them to gain more crucial information about the doctor so that they can know of their competence. Before the false tooth is placed, the implant is fixed first into the jawbone just the normal teeth that was there before. This implant is what will give a firm grip to the false tooth in order to make it strong and durable for as long as it will be in use.

How safe are the implants

Many of those patients who want to go for these services are worried of how safe it will be for them to have the implants installed. Some of them have held misleading myths about the implants which could be what is holding them back from going for these services. These implants have no side effects when they are installed. In fact, they are more beneficial than when your mouth remained unattended. In order to get the services of a qualified doctor, a patient will need to make sure that they have sought all the clinics and determined which of them is the most suitable for them.

Expectations during the treatment period

In order to prevent the patient from experiencing pain, the doctor usually injects the patient with some medicine which will numb their nerves. This means that the patient will not feel any pain when they are being operated on. For those who have feared that the process is painful, there is no pain since all the nerves are killed temporary.

After one has received the treatment

After one has received the treatment, one should expect some little pain as the jawbone adjusts but this will only be for a very short period of time. Also, some little itching pain would be felt when they are being injected in order to kill the nerves.

Amount of healing time required

When it comes to the healing process, people have no idea the amount of time that it will take for them to heal from the treatment. Some implants will take some time before they heal while others will only take a short period of time and they are completely healed. As a patient, you should make consultation with your dentists to get more details.