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Our Purpose

I hate democracy. Call me un-American (if you do I'll challenge you to tell me exactly what that means) or accuse me of being politically undeveloped – I don't care. The fact of the matter is that democracy is a woefully inefficient, time-consuming, money-wasting, soul-corrupting – dare I say deceptive – governmental system that has followed the leadership of this country around like an obdurate ball and chain. Or at least it would be, if we lived in an actual democracy.

No, instead we live in a fancy alteration called a democratic republic. This essentially means the people pick leaders to make their decisions for them. The result is that people feel like they run the country and are truly democratic, when in reality the politicians on the republic side of the system make the real decisions – hence the deception.

You see, there are plenty these days who would consider themselves politically active. Indeed, there were untold legions of what I can only call fans at Barack Obama's acceptance speech last November, just as there was an innumerable throng of “Republicans” glaring more and more sullenly at their T.V. screens with each successive “yes, we can.” What really gets to me is just that – they're nothing more than fans.

They voted because they were ready for “Change” (forget un-American, tell me what that means), they like the way Michelle Obama dresses, or they were taken in by Obama's polished oratory. On the flip-side, most others who voted against Obama did so because they're either racist, scared of the ambiguous “Change”, or they just can't get past the amoral stigma attached to Democrats. With inventive slogans and social undercurrents, who cares about actual issues?

Too many people I know base their political opinions entirely on non-political reasoning. I'm acquainted with far too many band-wagon liberals who are just trying to be different from all their conservative neighbors; and even more who see the Republican party as the only thing that jives with their religious beliefs. Have they ever considered that outside of the realm of morality, Democratic policies are actually far more congruent with their religious principles than those of Republicanism? After all, Jesus was a socialist.

Consider this a call to action. Actually, how about a demand for action? I hate democracy because of ignorant people. They exercise their right to believe and speak and vote as they choose like a 16 year-old boy exercises his right to drive: with uneducated, reckless abandon that endangers himself and everyone else around him.

I understand this might sting a little – people don't exactly enjoy being called ignorant and uneducated. But no matter how informed you may consider yourself to be, I implore you to search within yourself and examine why you adopt a given political ideology. I don't care if you love Obama or consider him the anti-Christ (in a non-religious way of course – separation of church and state), just do your research and have viable and legitimate reasons for those feelings. Know what it actually means to be a Republican and vice-versa before you go accusing other people of being flawed or wrong.

This is where you ask me where I get off in doing what I've just renounced. I would answer your question with another question: when did it become a bad thing to stand back and criticize something so obviously flawed? Our nation was founded on the practice for crying out loud, but for some reason insurrection is seen as a one-time-only deal. Perhaps this is our opportunity to do something revolutionary. Know where you stand. But more importantly, know why you stand there.

If you'd like to join the operation or are just interested in learning more about our cause e-mail us at