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This is an interesting story about learning and how education is rapidly evolving. It’s changing as you read this. It is transforming speedily into something that is considerably different from what it once was. Real world expectations are rapidly changing, as are requirements. Online learning gives people like us a chance to keep up with the changes, in this environment. This article reviews what’s different and offers a chance for people who may feel that they have difficulty keeping up with the new requirements that the work world expects in 2013.


After graduating from college several years back, I had a strange realization. Even though recruiters and interviewers valued that I had graduated from college and interviewed me because of this, I hadn’t learned many of the skills that companies actively seek. Of course I had learned plenty in college, and I could engage in an interesting conversation. But, beyond the skills I had used to complete assignments when I was a student, all the other skills I was expected to know, I would need to learn. I had spent four years studying History, Biology and Psychology, but I didn't know how to set up spreadsheets. I surely wasn’t up to speed on the hottest new business technologies that were all the rage at that moment.


I understood that, despite the fact that I had learned plenty in college, there happened to be so much that I didn't know but would have to know, so that I could do the kind of work I knew I was capable of. There were quite a few entry-level opportunities that were available to me that paid terribly. But, what did I expect? I had a lot to learn. I had to acquire a lot of training that these low paying jobs would get me. I quickly needed to move beyond what I learned in the classroom, and I would be expected to acquire the skills relevant to the work world. I had a few jobs before moving to education. To become a teacher, I needed to study a whole new group of skills. But I liked teaching, and I became good at it quickly.

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As a high school teacher I heard the same thing so many times. One of my students asks: "Are we ever going to need this?" I would usually give them an evasive reply about how what we were learning contributed to their whole education, and was therefore important. Naturally, it is best that people understand our past, know about science, and are able to work out problems using math. But I was kidding myself. I slowly came to see that as a high school teacher, there was not a lot that I was really showing them, and there was not much that my students were acquiring at school that was giving them the skills they would need for the jobs they’d be expected to do once they graduated.

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My students understood that there are many important skills that they could have been studying. There are sets of skills that are related to pretty much any area of interest. These sets of skills are valuable in the work world because they can truly enhance job prospects. My students knew that there were things that they would be required to learn that I didn't teach them as a high school teacher. The students understood that there were valuable things that they should have been working towards, along with learning about the events of the past, science, and how to solve mathematical problems. Their question about if they would actually need what they were being taught was clearly an indication of irritation, an acknowledgment that the material they were learning was not preparing them for where they would end up after graduation. I knew because of my own personal experience that it was not very likely that they would be taught a great deal of what they would need in college either.


Today things have changed quite a bit from the way they were when I graduated from college. Jobs are not as easy to get. Low paying entry-level jobs where young people who just graduated and career changers could acquire a new skill set are now much more difficult to obtain. So what does one do to get a good job in this cutthroat marketplace, when regular schools and colleges do not emphasize the skill sets that are most needed in the workplace? The key is really right in front of you. The solution is that you need to learn what sets of skills are essential for the career path that you want to pursue. Then you have to learn those sets of skills. Just learning them isn’t quite enough; master those skills.


Whether it's education, photography, sales or medicine, there are new technologies and new computer programs, specialized to the industry, that are constantly being created and updated. In addition, there are many popular tools and skill sets that are used by businesses that employers appreciate a deep understanding of.


Today, people looking for jobs need to devote the necessary time and learn exactly what skill sets are now being sought by companies. Reading company websites can inform you. Calling human resources can lead to valuable facts also. Communicating with employees already working in the field should lead to great things. The new job search procedure has to be one that is significantly more skills centered than in the past and much more skills centered than standard schooling gets us ready for.


So what does one do to build these skill sets? What does one do to get training when development of skills isn’t any longer the part of the job that it once was? The key is on the web. Over the past few years, online learning has gone, from being a post script to what was done at schools and colleges, to a gigantic function that brings detailed education instantly in the most relevant subjects anyone can think of. Whether the line of work you're seeking demands that you are capable of updating websites, producing music or negotiating with clients, skills building classes can be taken in front of your computer for a much lower price compared to what one would have to spend to attend college. Online learning courses are also notably cheaper than a similar course would be at a trade school.


A close look at the e-learning courses available will immediately reveal that there are a tremendous number of skills that one is able to study. Areas of study go from crafts and cake decoration to marketing concepts and software development. Most of these is developed and ready to be completed at a very high level of specificity and intensity, right now and from right where you are. The accessibility and the breadth of the content available goes miles beyond subjects that have been available through regular training programs. Even though highly specialized educational programs have always been on hand, prohibitive time and travel obligations have very often been expected. These requirements are no longer a concern in the world of the world wide web.


The new skills you must acquire to do well are indisputably at your fingertips. The only concern left to be answered is in which way to proceed. Today online education is a flourishing field. There are a tremendous number of courses, available now. The only thing that is required to get started is a survey of what skill sets you'll have to learn and a bit of highly focused study and practice at a location that is convenient for you, sitting in front of your computer. And you will be more prepared than ever before for that all important job interview.


If you have already completed your degree and realize that there is a good deal more that you still need to be trained in, if you are in college now and see that you still need to learn certain skills to land the type of job you would like, or if you didn’t go to college and realize that you have to build up your skills, online learning is probably the best way to develop and enhance the new skills you must acquire to land the type of job that you would like to have.


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