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Kids today have more to occupy their time than at any other point in the history of civilization. From the classic choices of outdoor activities to the addictive nature of challenging video games, there is just a lot of fun to be had. And when it comes to gaming, many children prefer the expensive gaming systems like Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, but that's because they don't have all the information about what free games have to offer online. There are many advantages over the gaming specialty systems that you may not be aware of:

No start-up cost. Gaming systems can cost nearly $400, and that is just for the hardware. Factor in games at $40-60 each and you have a potentially wallet-busting piece of entertainment. However, many reputable sites host free kids games online that present hours of fun at virtually no cost. The most you will ever pay is for a monthly Internet connection and the initial price of your computer. From that point, you get all the entertainment you will ever need.

Virtual storage space. Games can pile up over time. Sitting on your entertainment center. Hiding in the bedroom floor. Cluttering up the kitchen countertops. In short, ending up everywhere they shouldn't be. With free games online, you can access your favorites at any time as long as the product is hosted on a website.

Easier on your operating system and hard drive. Hard drives can only hold so much. The more space that you take up, the less likely the computer will be able to operate at maximum results. With video game systems, you only have a certain amount of space at your disposal. The more saved games that you have going, the less room you will have in the long run. Free kids games, however, are streamed through websites and take up zero hard drive space.

More kid friendly selections. Consoles such as Xbox 360 focus on older players. Rated M for Mature titles may be fun, complex and interesting, but they are hardly appropriate choices for a child. However, the World Wide Web opens up endless possibilities void of blood, guts, foul language, and sexual situations. With these healthier, more youth friendly choices, you can help your child's rate of response and hand-eye coordination all while instilling a higher class of values within him.

Faster boot time. Playstation 3 games, and their competition, deliver unbeatable graphics, but they often carry long wait times before you can get started with your game. This is because file sizes are so large. Free games online are easily contained and carry with them a faster boot time that will allow your kids to get up and running immediately for a fast-paced world of fun and adventure.

As a special education teacher, I am always on the lookout for high quality educational games that will hold the interest of my students. My biggest problem is I have a wide range of developmental levels in my classroom. This makes it hard for me to shop around for games. Not only do I have to think about the kids this year but I also have to think about the kids in the future years.

Here is what I look for in games:


o Can the sound be easily turned on and off?

o Can the music be turned on and off separate from the sound?

o Can the brightness be adjusted?


o Can difficult be changed easily for different students?

o Can students pick up at level they completed?

o Are rewards given for completing levels?

o Are there incentives for advancing?


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o Is the game single player or multiple players?

o How are the characters portrayed on the screen?

I want the games to be inviting for the students where the kids will want to play the games. The graphics and sound need to draw the children in and keep their attention without being to stimulating. This is why it is important that the music be able to turn off. Not all the children can handle the background music. Therefore, it must be able to easily turn off for some children while be readily available to stimulate other children without me having to figure out how to turn it back on.

iPhone/ iTouch Games for Education

At first, I had a little concern about my students using these handheld games for educational purposes. As I said before, I am a special education teacher and my students tend to be egocentric as it is. Giving them a handheld game, I was afraid would only thrust them deeper into their own world.

However, I discovered they became more vocal and picked up skills very quickly. They loved singing along with some of the songs and playing the games. Of course, it is too soon to tell if it translates into anything more, but they do make sounds and that is progress.

Online Educational Games(that game u can buy runescape gold)

Online games will be your biggest resource whether you are a teacher or a parent. The Internet is full of free games you can play and games you can download for a small fee. The key to finding these games is to go and play a trial version first. On iTunes, the trials are normally called "Lite." Other sites like PlayFirst, have 30-minute trial versions before you have to buy the full set. The catch is you have to sign up to the site. However, it is totally worth it to get to try out the game before you spend the money.

Finding educational games for the classroom or for your own house just takes a little bit of questioning. You have to ask yourself what it is you are trying to teach. Once you know what you want your kids to learn, the games will start popping out at you.