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Important Tips on How to Save Fridge from Damages

Fridge and freezers are considered a basic part of any house that's why we have to ensure fridge/freezers are used safely to prevent damages. It's an appliance which remains in use most of the time and every family member has to use it according to need. Especially in the summer season, its doors keep open and close and that's why it must be opened and closed with due care.

Cleaning of the fridge and freezer is one of the most important things which many house owners ignore badly. Regular cleaning can ensure proper working of fridge/freezer. Go to the website and check further tips. If you see some extra ice in freezer portion than it must be removed. It's not difficult to remove the ice and to clean the freezer portion. Also, never use any sharp or metallic thing to remove ice.

Most of the companies are producing fridge and freezers with defrost function and it became so easy to remove the ice. If there is no defrost function than unplugging the fridge and keep it unplugged for a couple of minutes. Ice will melt slowly and you can remove easily.