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Controlling the odor is the most challenging yet tricky part for the wastewater treatment plant companies. Many complaints would be received from neighbors and workers. When this odor is inhaled, it takes a toll on the health of the employees. Therefore, it is important to control the odor to promote a safe work environment for the workers.


Some odors will not spread beyond the proximity of the plant, but few odors will spread in the surroundings and wafts to the public parks and other plants around. The communities around could not tolerate this. The odor that is released from the treatment plant would smell like a rotten egg or ammonia. However, some times, the smell would be earthy. The smell is caused due to anaerobic decomposition. The byproduct of this anaerobic decomposition is H2S.


A few of the ways to wastewater odor control include:


1.Use covers


The best and simple solution for wastewater treatment plant odor control is to cover the place from which the odor is spread across like near the tank, basin or lagoon using the cover that is made for industrial grade. This keeps the odor vapors at bay.


2.Use capture and treat technology


This is another effective yet cost-effective solution to control the bad odor that is released from wastewater treatment plants. This will capture the odor by trapping them in the cover, and this trapped foul air would be later withdrawn and adequately treated. This air is sent to the ductwork system where different technologies are used, such as biofilter, web scrubber, or carbon filter.


3.Add chemicals


You can also add chemicals into the wastewater to react thoroughly to the odor-causing compounds. This helps you to keep the odor at bay and promote a safe workplace for the workers to carry out the work.


4.Web air scrubbing


This is the flexible technology to control the vapor of the wastewater odor. This is widely used to treat all kinds of containments that are soluble in water. Apart from removing hydrogen sulfide and other doors, it also thoroughly eliminates the odor of ammonia. This process is totally chemical and involves no biological process for odor mitigation.