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Here are some of my favorite obscure horror movies. They may not be all that great, but I think there alot of fun. Check em out if you get the chance! 

Three on a Meathook (1973)  

Ultra-low budget flick from the early 70’s. This is a down and dirty, violent mess, but heaps of fun. Has the dubious honor of using meathooks a whole year before The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

California Axe Massacre (1977) 

 Slow-moving and not really all that gory. Still, its quite creepy and has that low-budget charm. Not really a massacre so much as a single murder, but these types of movies often promised more than they delivered. Still worth a watch.

Scream (1981)

I’ve always found this movie to be one of the better obscure horror movies. Sure its slow moving, but it has a nice creepy feel and a cool balance between ghost movie and slasher pic.

The Last Motel (1981)  

Very obscure Australian horror movie from the early 80’s. Its a pity more people aren’t aware of this one, as I remember it being quite good. Very bloody for its time, with cool, creepy Friday the 13th vibe.

Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986)

 Another Friday the 13th clone, this is similar in many ways to The Last Motel, but not as gory. A chilling vibe and some cool deaths, though.

I Drink Your Blood (1970)  

 Very weird horror movie. A kind of hippy, trippy Manson murders meets Night of the Living Dead. Nice and gory, and quite chilling.