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Professional Photo Services by- Nude Retouching

The Probability are except your face is your gold mine or you have an perfectly groom online personality (I'm looking at you YouTube Photoshop tutorial) you won't have had much direct skill of retouching. Instead, most people know it largely by its blunders: the terrible magazine covers where celebrities' arms sprout from their rib cages or editorials where supermodels' thighs have been passionately dissect and transformed Despite its ubiquity, airbrushing and digitally slimming models down has a pretty bad reputation and for good reason. It's hard to imagine many people disagreeing that the excessive retouching of models and celebrities is a particularly negative aspect of the media. South Park made an entire episode about it, so it's hardly a niche perspective.

The idea that women ought to be airbrushed into often anatomically impossible shapes is clearly troubling; in her One Dimensional Woman, describes Photoshop as having turned "fashion photography into something you'd want to conquer, rather than follow", and while there are a few photographers and Nude Retouching stylists who have made a kind of sickly glossiness their brand, she's absolutely right that women's bodies in magazines and advertising are often so far from decipherable they look more like freshly glazed doughnuts There is, among the substantially unlimited cleavage and grotesquely cropped waistlines, a really compelling argument in favor of retouching. artist's or photographer's vision in order to fit with suitable cultural principles? People talk a lot about how retouched images are damaging young women's body-confidence, but retouching and image altering goes further than the Victoria's Secret tweed catalogue.

While I'm all for creative freedom and think the idea of having disclaimers on all retouched photographs is too extreme, when it comes to mindless manipulation of images, there's no question that something needs to change. More than once somebody in a lab somewhere has decided to slim out my nose, using what looks to me like a haphazardly placed stripe of 5 o'clock shadow. It felt weird and kind of embarrassing, and even though the picture is hanging on my grandma's wall, she told me a few weeks ago that it doesn't really look anything like me and she wants a new one. I agree


Contact Us

Company Name-Nude Editor

Address: 1507 Stroop Hill Road, Atlanta, GA,  ZIP: 30303

Phone: 770-634-5372
