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Every year Faith Temple Ministries invites Pastors from all over the United States to Buras, LA for a time of fellowship. This is a time of refreshing for the Pastors as they enjoy the best fishing on the Gulf Coast and some fabulous Cajun Food. This time of fellowship allows these ministers to return to their ministry refreshed and ready to continue their work for the Lord. It is our privledge and honor to invite Associate Pastor Rusvelth Camacho who we met on our mission to Costa Rica this year. Rusvelth's amazingly servent hearted nature blessed us on the mission field in Costa Rica and now we would like to take this opportunity to serve him in return!

Rusvelth will be arriving in New Orleans International Airport on the 29th of this month and will be bringing Setphan Marin as a translator. Stephan has his visa already but Rusvelth is still working with the embassy. Please be in prayer for favor and for this process go smoothly. They are also trying to raise the money to pay for their plane tickets. So far they have raised around $500, but they still need $500 more. I have set up this site to help raise support for them. Below is a donation link that you can use to donate by credit/debit card or paypal. Any amount of donation will help, prayer is also greatly appreciated.