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My Ability to do Peter Finch's Line from Network was born between L.A. Library and USBank
The site of the Bank Robbery in HEAT.
It was to be done from a dry voice. But I knew were it would lead to.
I quietly walked down to the corner to try it some more.
Bob L. Petersen

What you are hearing is something I put together it is something I learned to do. I figure it out as I cleared my voice to fill a part ot LA with a little of me. I was walking do the street between the Main Branch Library of LA and USBANK where the shoot out from heat was shot. The little building in front of the Library is where Robert Di Niro had coffee. It's now a very expensive place to eat. Remeber That wasn't what the screaming was about.

I spaent a lot of time doing it softly later so that I could LEARN WHERE I WOULD BE LETTING MY VOCAL CORDS SLAP TOGETHER. In High School I used to do alot of things with my voice. I didn't use popsicles as Wofman Jack did, I used 3 large ice cubes in a glass of pop.

There are no talent acts on the street. But if your something they will tease you. It should be this KIND OF A SHOOT OUT. Everyone wonder what was going to happen. Was he a fake. Then of course can we grab a piece quickly.

I am trying to survive the people who have screwed me, because it is mostly Rodger Pardee word and mine. David Bell of Northwestern is a witness to the goings on. George Lucas others have benen blamed forever. I would like to include this places attempts to cover up whatthey've done. Some arround you have known of this. After I was chased out of school Rodger Pardee's first words to me were. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" The following weeks it gets more interesting. But it plugs back into what my father knew. THERE ARE OTHER SWORDS FOUND LATER.

Do you want to hear it played again

Bob L. Petersen

Hear it's we want to save the world with all the money and anything selse do you. We were just trying to steal it before the world found out. WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM. THEY MADE SEVERAL UP. THEY WANT TO CHALANGE EXRYTHING SHOULD I SURVIVE. WAS SAID HERE IN EARLY 2000. THEY PUT IT IN EARLY AND THEN WASTED EVERYONES TIME. I refuse to pay the whole sitting army for what they didn't do.

George Lucas David Bell Bob L. Petersen It wasw the only way to slip it by those already ACTING OUT.

My Ability to do Peter Finch's Line from Network was born between L.A. Library and USBank The site of the Bank Robbery in HEAT. I CLEARED MY THROAT TO DO A VOICE AL PACINO ISN'T THIS GUY GREAT. It was to be done from a dry voice. But I knew were it would lead to. I quietly walked down to the corner to try it some more. I will work on it for many months till can do it slowly working it up to there.