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Because of the popularity of smart phone apps, the software development industry has become a multibillion dollar industry. Many people didn’t have great business plans and a great percentage of these startup companies failed because of that.

Those that were completed, flopped in sales when they were introduced to the market. The great percentage of failure discouraged a lot of people from going to the business.

Out of the thousands of apps in the Android and Apple market, very few are actually making big bucks. People in the past failed because they were not very professional when dealing with challenges and they got into an industry they knew very little about.

If you want to build your own company that develops apps for the android and Apple market, here are some tips that you can use:

Study the industry first

The reason why there are a lot of apps in the app market is because many people want a piece of this industry. You should learn from the people who have tried and failed in this industry by studying where they failed.

You should find books and other publications about software development and learn as much as you can about it. You should be familiar with every area of development and the ways to market the apps you develop.

Find members for your development team

Your app will be successful only if you have a great team of developers behind it. You will be needing people to code for you and people to market your apps once they are ready for the market. The commonly used method of project management is the agile method.

If your team is not familiar with this method, you can hire agile consultants to guide them through out the project. There are agile London consultancies that specialize in app development projects.

Don’t go into too many projects

When you are starting out in your business, you should have a great idea for an app. You should focus on this idea and try to develop the app before moving on to another idea.

Lean consultants will help you develop your application into perfection but they and your development team cannot compartmentalize if they have a lot of projects.