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I was born and raised in a small mining town in Pennsylvania. I went to school at Shannock Valley High and Lenape Vo-Tech for drafting.

During this time I had no clue to what I wanted to become, so I decided to go into the military for electronics. That was ok for about 8 months then I was sent overseas to Germany and then on to Bosnia to live in hell for a year and a half. The holidays for me was special then, I would bring a group of single soldiers to my house and prepare a huge meal for them as a thank you and also to lift their spirits. I told myself then that I would someday go to culinary school and learn how to cook. Finally after 6 years later I decided to go to school and now here I am



As a person who works in the culinary field I am asked "Do you watch food network ?" Yes I do.

Also another favorite question is "What is your favorite food?"

  • Lasagna all time favorite
  • Anything Italian
  • And who doesn't love red meat

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What I learned in Culinary School?

The first thing is that you must truely have a dedication and passion for food. There is nothing that you would not want to do for the love of food and the quest to be the best that you can be. I myself have had a very strong draw towards the culinary field just have never knew what I needed to do to become the best at it, until now all it is to become the best is to never stop learning or never stop taking suggestions on how to do things or to make your dishes taste better. You can never be the best you can just become one of the elite.

The second thing is that you will have to work your ass off to get good at your new career. That means long hours, no weekends, no holidays, early mornings, and late nights, and not to mention the servers make more money than you working less hours, and they get all the praise for how good the food was.
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The fun times at culinary school in Punxsutawney, PA ouch that hurt alot!!!!, You know the movie Groundhog Day, that town just like in the movie, boring and the same thing everyday over and over again, and again, and again but very comical and also a classic.To The Town The tools that the Academy of Culinary Arts has taught me are so critical in my success so far. I want to thank everyone at the school for all they have done for me.

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