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 Ride Schedule


Rider Profiles

 Local Rides





Rules of the Northeast Georgia Winter Cycling League:

NOTE!! This is an unorganized group ride!  By participating, you are responsible for yourself in the event of a mishap or something of the sort.  The only way you will receive points for a ride is by signing a waiver.  Otherwise, you're just showing up for a group ride!  Please follow the rules, and have a good time!

1)Be mindful of cars!  Most cars don't want you on the road, and some won't even see you.  Just make sure you're alert at all times.

2)No Littering!  Stick it in your pocket!  If you're caught throwing your gel wrappers or any other trash out, you'll get a warning.  The next time you litter, you lose a point!

3)There will be a pee break about an hour into the ride.  During the break, the group will slow down until everyone is finished, and we'll resume once we've regrouped.

4)Points will be awarded each ride as follows:

Signing in will get ya 2 points for ride participation ( you MUST participate in the ride for participation points)!





Most Aggressive Rider: 1 point

5)Makeup rides will be designated, and will be worth 2 points.  There will be no sprint points given on makeup rides.  Makeup rides will only be worth points to those who missed a ride.

6)Swag will be given to the winner of the final sprint in each ride.  There will also be an overall prize for the winner of the entire league (prizes tbd).


If you see anything wrong with the site, please contact me at