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CMS or Content Management System Defined


Content Management System also known as CMS is a system that manages content, workflow and collaboration online. It is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your website even if you are not very technically skilled. You can add, delete, and edit contents without calling your web design agency or IT specialist. CMS significantly reduces the time to publish your content online making your website up-to-date.


If a CMS is a tool that manages content, let us clarify what we are referring to when we talk about content. In an essence, content is any type of electronic or digital information such as text, images, videos, graphics, sounds, and documents that is managed in a digital format.


There are many types of CMS according to their purposes. Mobile CMS can be referred to as a piece of software that manages the different mobile applications. Social Media CMS is a tool used by social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter to give their users ease of use. A Facebook user can update his status, upload new photos, and send personal messages to friends easily with the integration of a CMS. An Enterprise CMS can be any system used by business owners to update their online content and interact with their customers.


CMS for Social Media Networking


Social Media CMS is a system you can use when you want to create your own networking site. Paid social media CMS is costly but it will give you more control over the design and accessibility. Alternatively, there are free social media CMS to use. Fortunately, today’s technology makes it easier to use these free CMS. I am going to give you some options where you can start your own networking site.



Wordpress is by far the biggest blogging platform today; and for those who love Wordpress (for many good reasons) you can make use of Buddypress. Buddypress is a Wordpress plug-in which is design to allow members socially interact. It contains all the major features you can expect from a social media site such as private messaging, friends, groups, extended profiles and activity streams.



Pligg is an open source CMS which is free to download and use. With Pligg’s community features, it is easy to share content and communicate with other members. Groups allow members to share content to those who have common interests. Private messaging, which is a must for every social networking site, allows members to send messages to specific users. There is also an RSS feed and SEO enhanced features which help drive traffic to your site.

Utilize a Hostgator Coupon to Attain a Discount

Utilizing a Hostgator for hosting your site is a great option. If you are planning to use this organization, then why don't you utilize a Hostgator coupon for attain discounts. This will help you in saving lots of money that you would have spent for purchasing the domain name. This firm is expanding very fast and there is nothing to surprising in it. Fast servers and servers and more than twenty five thousand satisfied customers make the Hostgator one of the best feature rich hosting packages available on the internet these days. With more than seven thousand servers at present under the management, this organization has proved that it has what it promises to deliver and that too at a cheap rate.

From just 4.95 dollars every month, one can utilize this unlimited hosting coupon for their own website. For this cost, one will have to join in for a three years plan but as it is a long term business so one needs to think in the long term manner, mainly if one has immense faith in their business. Utilizing a HostGator coupon that can be available on several sites over the internet, one can attain their initial month for just one per cent, which in turn will help them save one around nine dollars on the correct package. This will make payment for their domain which assists in reducing any type of additional cost.

Benefits of Choosing Hostgator:

-It is one of the top web hosting companies in the entire world. It provides high quality service in fewer prices when compared with the other web hosting organizations.

-Promotional codes of this company will fetch heavy discounts on all plans and by selecting the perfect code one will attain a discount of 50%.

-This company provides nearly five thousand tools at free of cost.

Hostgator provides 24x7 customer support service.