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Anyone that has listened to Be It Hated would hear a quite versatile album filled with lots of great  songs. Not everyone's music taste is dictated by what Pitchfork is pushing. I found this album as a suggestion on Pandora. After listening to it a couple of times. The first song that struck me was the totum hole. I couldn't put my foot on it at first.  I thought it was some blue haired, pierced nose ring wearing chick singing. Imagine my surprise when I dug and saw Vieem. She's just so original different.  You can't put your finger on and you can't really stop watching. Vieem's not in the flamboyant way. As different as she is. I can't put my finger on it. When I do. I'll let you know. But, I am stoked to have this album.  She is one of few artists today who write songs with meaning and they really have great hooks and catchy as heck. Songs with clever lyrics, that are like tongue and cheek but also literal. I'm glad the whole album isn't as serious as Totum Hole. Though the four rock song are my best. But I love the ballads. Very, pretty very lady. After the serious stuff, it gives you soft. Tender. Mellow. Beauty.

Vieem has a really gorgeous voice. I love the way it sounds in The Miserable Wallflower. If you want to here the full album listen on Pandora radio. You could also get the album at
