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Newside Blog
Friday, 25 October 2019
The Ugly Truth About korean Rice cooker

Spread a cupful of rice on a shallow baking tin, and put into a reasonably hot oven to brown. Each rice kernel, when adequately browned, need to be of a yellowish brown, about the color of ripened wheat. Steam the same as directed for common rice, utilizing just 2 cups of water for each cup of browned rice, and omitting the initial Mini Rice Cooker soaking.

For families that delight in eating big amounts of rice, there are rice cookers to position it in. Some households prepare rice every single day and with a rice cooker they can quickly take care of it. For households that delight in eating large amounts of rice, there are rice cookers to position it in. Rice to be boiled in the normal manner requires two quarts of boiling water to one cupful of rice. Carefully clean a cupful of rice, soak it, and cook as directed for Steamed Rice.

Posted by newside1 at 2:01 PM EDT
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