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NewLife Donkeys
NewLife Donkeys
WELCOME to NewLife&Liberty DONKEY Sancturary's photo album of DONKEYS that have received a NEW Life and the Liberty that comes from a NEW LIFE with the 5 freedoms ALL animals should know....they now have fresh/good food 24/7, vet care, shelter with 25 acres to wander/exercise on and will be members of a herd of donkeys that will be giving very special children/people the kind of chance that the DONKEYS themselves have, a chance for a New Life & Liberty that they will experience with therapeutic DONKEY riding!
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BleuBoy came to New Life as an orphan, his owner having died and he was sold, nearly starved at 4 months of age. Bleu has come a long ways, physically and mentally as he'd not been handled when he arrived at his new home.

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Best wishes to Cheryl and her family as they have undertaken a huge responsibility for these animals. May they all benefit from this!
Kay Coley | | January 28, 2008

newlifeliberty | February 03, 2008