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  • Neat Freak
    ० Erin likes to keep things neat and orderly. That isn't to say she is obsessed with keeping things in any particular order, she simply doesn't like clutter. 

  • Falls asleep with her paperwork
    ० Erin has been known on many occasions to take her work home with her instead of leaving it at the office and when she does, she is known to fall asleep on the couch with her laptop for a blanket and a stack of folders can make a nice pillow if need be.

  • Born and raised in Chicago
    ० The tell tale sign? Her nice wonderful mid west twang that is native to Chicago. 

  • Shot in the left shoulder near the clavicle in 2013
    ० After being held hostage in a court room she was shot by the defendant

  • Shot in right side in 2015 in her office
    ० She was sniped through her office window, she was later found by Hank Voight when he came to get a warrant

  • Keeps her marriage a secret
    ० She doesn't want to ruin her career or Hank's by people thinking that there is corruption within the system because of their marriage, given his reputation